Regulating the real estate rental sector

Regulating the real estate rental sector
(Ejar) aims to regulate the real estate rental sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general, and seeks within its comprehensive vision to work at parallel levels in regulating the various real estate rental sectors in particular, including the residential sector, which includes a wide segment of the real estate sector.
(Ejar) has issued a unified rental contract for the residential sector that serves the parties to the rental process (the tenant, the lessor, the real estate broker); By activating the terms of the contract, defining obligations, and is characterized by flexibility and smoothness, accelerating and facilitating the procedures of the rental process, in order to achieve the objectives of all parties, preserve their rights, and meet their needs; By providing a range of electronic solutions that contribute to the development of the sector and enhance confidence in it.

Beneficiaries of (rent) for the residential sector – parties to the rental process

(Ejar) calls the dealers in the residential real estate rental sector (the parties to the rental process), which is the category that (Ejar) mainly targets to register in the electronic network of rental services; To regulate the residential real estate rental sector, and clarify their obligations and duties, which contributes to preserving their rights, through the unified electronic rental contract on which the rental process is based, and they are:
Individuals, citizens and residents.
Investors in residential real estate and owners of individual and establishments or their agents.
Real estate broker:
Real estate offices and real estate brokerage companies that have a valid commercial register that includes the activity of real estate rental and management, and are wholly owned by a Saudi person or a Saudi company wholly owned by Saudis, or who meet the mediation status and requirements in (Ejar) who rent real estate owned by them or registered in the names of establishments they own it.


Benefits (rental) for the tenant:

Consolidation and documentation of contracts:
(Ejar) allows citizens and residents to document their unified electronic contracts, which are approved by the Ministry of Justice, in all parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the services provided by approved real estate brokerage facilities.
Facilitating procedures:
(Ejar) facilitates for the tenant in the residential sector the registration of the contract and the procedures for receiving the real estate unit, after the parties agree to the standard electronic lease contract, and hand it over after the expiry of the contract period or the desire of one of the parties to terminate it.
Facilitating litigation:
(Ejar) allows the tenant to benefit from the standard electronic contract; As an executive document, it facilitates procedures and shortens the duration of litigation.
Reserve rights:
Contracting through (rent) allows the residential sector to register the rights under contract, such as pursuit amounts, insurance and others.
Payment Flexibility:
(Ejar) provides easy and safe ways and flexible options for rent payments, which helps the tenant to meet his financial obligations, through the possibility of paying rent on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis, whether through the usual payment channels, or electronic payment Bank billing system (SADAD) or others.
Facilitating the use of (rental support):
(Ejar) contributes to facilitating dealing with cases of failure to pay the rent of housing for citizens who are unable to pay the rent.
Provision of electronic services:
(Ejar) provides a range of various electronic services, which provide a degree of security, privacy, speed and flexibility, represented in easy access to real estate brokers through the (real estate brokers) application, an electronic search engine, and the service of electronic reporting of violations of the real estate brokerage facility, and query services, Viewing the contract, alerting services and notifications of the date of payments, and multiple communication channels to provide support and assistance services, and answer tenant inquiries.
Proof of Contract:
The unified electronic (rent) contract for the residential sector is a registered and proven contract that enables the tenant to prove his tenancy contract with the entities requesting the lease contract from the government and private sectors.
Digital Integration:
(Ejar) allows benefiting from the service of linking and electronic registration with entities in the public and private sectors, such as health centers, schools, and security institutions. Coordination is taking place to link with other concerned authorities.
Provide added services:
(Ejar) contributes to providing added services that enhance housing stability, including its cooperation with a number of parties to present their offers and discounts to rental beneficiaries.
Provide accurate data and statistics:
(Ejar) provides accurate data and statistics on the residential rental sector, which helps the tenant to make appropriate decisions.
Tenant’s Obligations:
Fare Payment:
The tenant is obligated to pay the value of the rent on the agreed dates.
Custom Use:
The tenant is obligated to use the rental units for the intended purpose, which is residential.
Terms of modification to the rental unit:
The tenant is obligated not to take any action that results in a change to the rental units without obtaining the written consent of the landlord or his agent.
Urgent repairs:
The tenant is obligated to allow the landlord to carry out urgent repairs necessary to preserve the rental units, after the landlord submits evidence of the need for this procedure with a report from the competent authorities.
Delivery of the rental unit:
The tenant is obligated to hand over the rental units to the lessor at the expiry of the lease term and not to renew, cancel or expire, in the condition received by the tenant.
Maintaining improvements:
The tenant is obligated not to remove improvements or fixed decoration works that cannot be transferred, or remove any additions made on the rental units, before obtaining

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