Our commitment to working towards the highest levels of transparency, compliance and ethical standards is our foundation

We are committed to excellence in every field

We run three key internal committees and two full-time internal departments to ensure the company follows these guidelines.

تم تصميم سياساتنا وإجراءاتنا الداخلية بعناية وفقًا لما تصدره هيئة السوق المالية (السعودية).

نؤمن بأن شركة المملكة القابضة تهيئ بدورها الحوافز والدوافع التي توصل إلى نتائج إيجابية، كما أنها مدفوعة بتطوير وتقديم رؤيتها نحو آفاق اقتصادية واجتماعية جديدة مربحة ومفيدة، مما يجعها شريكًا مجزيًا للاستثمار.


investment strategy

We are looking for unified and experienced teams to develop a project capable of reaping long-term financial returns, positioning us as a company with reliable investment expertise and profitability that can be relied upon.


We have a unique network of contacts with government and business leaders throughout the Middle East and around the world.


We are looking for opportunities to take advantage of the untapped wealth he did not realize Others.


We are looking for opportunities to benefit from untapped wealth that others have not realized.


We distinguish companies with strong management teams, a track record of continuous growth and strong financial returns. span>

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